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Expert.ai Natural Language API

Add language intelligence to your application right now! expert.ai Natural Language API provides deep language understanding without any IT infrastructure or installation, and scales with your needs so you can start developing intelligent applications today!

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Leverage the Power of Natural Language

Deep Linguistic Analysis

Supports sophisticated natural language understanding by parsing each document sentence into tokens, lemmas and parts-of-speech, finding the relations between syntactic constituents and predicates, and interpreting syntax to build a full dependency tree

Knowledge Graph Empowered

Leverages our market-leading Knowledge Graph to resolve ambiguous terms to their precise meaning, and determine overall document sentiment

Entity Extraction & Linking

Recognizes People, Companies, Locations and other Entities, and resolves them to their unique identifiers in leading public Knowledge bases like Wikidata, GeoNames and DBpedia

Document Classification

Supports document classification out-of-the-box based on IPTC Media Topics and a Geographic taxonomy

Try the Demo!

See for yourself what expert.ai Natural Language API can do for your application by test-driving our demo here.

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