Wallingford, UK & Paris, France – January 21, 2014
– CABI chooses the best-in-class semantic content enrichment solution to enhance its content, boost audience engagement, and strategically expand its product line
TEMIS, the leading provider of Semantic Content Enrichment solutions today announced it has signed a strategic agreement with CABI, an inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.
CABI has scientific research, international development, knowledge management and publishing at its core. By generating and increasing access to scientific knowledge, and delivering change through development projects, CABI works to improve crop yields, combat agricultural pests and microbial diseases, protect biodiversity and safeguard the environment, which enables the
world’s poorest communities to feed themselves.
Two key trends that CABI faces as a major publisher of scientific information are the exponential growth rate of the volume of published articles on one hand, and on the other the emergence of the
“Web of Data”, which is shaping a demand for more structured data products in addition to traditional information products based on content.
To address these trends, CABI has decided to optimize its content indexing which was previously primarily manual, by integrating TEMIS’s Luxid® Content Enrichment Platform in its content
management workflow. CABI’s first objective is to make efficiency gains through automation and reduce indexing costs associated with the increase of content volumes while ensuring high levels of
metadata quality. The rich semantic metadata extracted from its content will enable more sophisticated search, navigation and discovery tools on CABI’s online portals, promoting greater user
engagement. Luxid®’s semantic enrichment pipeline will furthermore enable the extraction from text of structured information as well as semantic relationships, enabling CABI to create linked data
products connected to the larger Web of Data.
“As a database publisher with many decades of experience in metadata and content indexing, we are very excited to be working with TEMIS to take our semantic enrichment endeavors to a whole
new level. This will allow us to improve existing products, but more importantly to create new value from the rapidly growing content assets within our portfolio. We see this as a major step towards
achieving our goal to be the world’s leading source of knowledge and insights in agriculture and related disciplines,” said Andrea Powell, Executive Director, Publishing, CABI.
“We are truly delighted to start a new collaboration with CABI. TEMIS will help CABI produce highvalue metadata to interlink its content and support its digital strategy in the coming years,” said
Vincent Nibart, Sales Director, TEMIS.
Based on patented and award-winning Natural Language Processing technologies, Luxid® exploits off-the-shelf extractors called Skill Cartridges® to extract targeted information from unstructured
content and semantically enrich it with domain-specific metadata. Luxid® also includes Content Enrichment Studio, a suite of productivity tools that enables end-users to customize Skill Cartridges® or develop their own. This will enable CABI to embed its own thesaurus within a dedicated Skill Cartridge® and consistently align its metadata across its product line with its thesaurus.