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The project is characterised as an industrial research project in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with an experimental development part (OR4) in which the development of two Pilots/Demonstrators is envisaged, with which to test the solutions developed involving two end users. In particular, two types of users are hypothesised: one from the Public Administration and one industrial, chosen from one of the main corporate core businesses (such as banks or insurance companies). The research activity is mainly developed in 3 Achievable Objectives (OR1,2,3), which will see the participation of universities and external consultants, whose objective is the study of techniques and algorithms (called Hybrid ML) to improve the state of the art of document analysis and automate the control procedures of the expected results.


Project Duration: 24 months + 12 months

Period: Jan 2022 – Dec   2024

Type of FundingLEGGE REGIONALE N.14/2014 – Determina ER: n. 1476 del 28/01/2022

regione emilia romagna