The Latest
February 24, 2017
Who is Elena Ferrante?

“Who is Elena Ferrante?” Here’s what the Cogito semantic technology discovered when it compared Ferrante’s writing style with that of Anita Raja, Domenico Starnone, Marco Santagata and Goffredo Fofi.

Trump Linguistic Analysis Some Curiosities
January 23, 2017
Trump’s Inaugural Address through the Lens of AI

The analysis highlights the distinguishing linguistic features of Trump’s speech, and compares them with the speeches of his two predecessors, Bush in 2001 and Obama in 2009, at the beginning of their terms.

June 20, 2016
What people are saying on Twitter about Brexit

The EU Referendum and the decision to leave or remain in the European Union impacts not only the British economy but also that of Europe. Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave it?