The Latest
AI to Support Risk Engineering
February 4, 2021
Podcast: The Rise of AI in Risk Engineering

Please join Chris McGuire, Risk Consulting Country Manager UK, Ireland, Nordics & The Netherlands of AXA XL, Georg Stockschläder, RE Global Practice Leader Property of Zurich and Deb Zawisza, Vice President, Research and Consulting of Novarica for an exclusive podcast: “The Rise of AI in Risk Engineering”.

AI to Support Risk Engineering
January 1, 2021
AI to Support Risk Engineering

Risk assessments that depend on manual document evaluation are time consuming, error prone and costly. By applying AI and NLP to the process, you can speed up the #underwriting process significantly and leave more time to focus on complex cases. See how it’s done!

AI to Support Risk Engineering
December 20, 2020
Infographic: AI to Support Risk Engineering

With AI powering risk engineering process, underwriters can reduce their total processing time by 50%. See how NL-based AI automates the reading, understanding and extraction of meaningful data from risk reports at speed and scale. Download the infographic: